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On ‘The Impact:’ More on the early prisoner release, House higher ed priorities

by caprecord

This week on “The Impact,” a follow-up on the Department of Corrections error that released over 3,000 Washington prisoners early. Plus, a closer look at House Higher Education Committee’s goals for the short session.

Host Anita Kissée interviews Republican Senators Mike Padden and Steve O’Ban about their disappointment with how the governor has handled the investigation of the error and their decision to seek subpoena power to investigate on their own.

The Department of Corrections released a video earlier this week detailing how the additional time was calculated under the error — watch it here.

The show also details the governor’s response to their complaints — and his reasoning behind hiring two third-party investigators to look into the mistake.

More information about the prisoners under investigation and the 107 prisoners identified for return to custody is available here.

Also on the show: House Higher Education Committee Chair Rep. Drew Hansen, D-Bainbridge Island, and Ranking Minority Member Rep. Hans Zeiger, R-Puyallup, will discuss their legislative priorities for the session and how the state is handling tuition cuts.

“The Impact” airs Wednesday, Jan. 20 at 7 & 10 p.m.