Public Hearing:
- SB 6258: Phasing in the requirement that only standardized health plans may be offered on the health benefit exchange.
- SB 6286: Addressing the anesthesia workforce shortage by reducing barriers and expanding educational opportunities to increase the supply of certified registered nurse anesthetists in Washington.
- SB 6295: Creating a path to recovery for high users of behavioral health crisis and criminal justice systems.
- SGA 9346:
- SGA 9352:
- SGA 9428:
- SGA 9431:
Executive Session:
- SB 6095: Establishing clear authority for the secretary of health to issue standing orders.
- SB 6101: Concerning hospital at-home services.
- SB 6127: Increasing access to human immunodeficiency virus postexposure prophylaxis drugs or therapies.
- SB 6228: Concerning treatment of substance use disorders.
- SB 6251: Coordinating regional behavioral crisis response and suicide prevention services.
- SGA 9346:
- SGA 9352:
- SGA 9428:
- SGA 9431: