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Washington State Building Code Council

The Washington State Building Code Council convenes for a hybrid meeting in Spokane.


  • Welcome and Introductions
  • Review and Approve Agenda
  • Review and Approve Minutes – April 19, 2024
  • Public Comment on Items Not on the Agenda 
  • Executive Session
  • Council Action on Legal Matters. (As needed)
  • Requests for emergency rule:
  • Proposal #1: Add another exception to WAC 51-54A-0904 (IFC Section 904.1.1) pertaining to ICC/NAFED certification for Pre-Engineered Industrial Fire Extinguishing Systems.
  • Proposal #2: Revise the effective dates in WAC 51-54A0904 (Sections 904.1.1, 904 1.1.1, 904.1.1.2, and 904.1.1.3).
  • DNR Tsunami Web Tool Disabled
  • Petition for Rule Making
  • Update Pronouns in WAC
  • TAG Seats for the 2024 Code Adoption Cycle:
  • Appointment of Additional TAG members
  • Residential and WUI Codes TAG
  • WSEC-Residential Code TAG
  • Other Business
  • Staff Report
  • Adjourn