Secretary of State Kim Wyman wants to move up the date of Washington’s presidential primary to March 8, 2016, one week after “Super Tuesday” when a dozen states hold primaries or caucuses.
The state’s current presidential primary is held on the fourth Tuesday in May.
Wyman is convening a Presidential Primary Committee next week to consider the change. The committee includes representatives from the Democratic and Republican parties, as well as leaders of the four legislative caucuses.
Any change in the primary date must be made before Oct. 1 in the year before the primary and requires six votes of the committee.
TVW will live webcast the meeting on Tuesday, Aug. 11 at 1:30 p.m. at this link. It will be broadcast on television at a later time.
Wyman requested a bill during the 2015 legislative session that would have moved the primary to the second Tuesday in March and required political parties to use the primary results when allocating delegates. The bill passed out of the Senate, but did not get a vote in the House.