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TVW coverage during committee week, Nov. 19 and 20

by caprecord

TVW is undergoing a major equipment replacement project that is impacting coverage.

During the Interim Legislative Assembly on November 19th and 20th, TVW will have mobile camera units covering two hearing rooms: Senate Hearing Room 4 and House Hearing Room B. TVW will cover all hearings in those rooms with live webcasts at The hearings will not be broadcast on live television.

Here is the list of committees that TVW will webcast live:

Nov. 19th:
8 a.m.: Joint Select Cmte on Health Care Oversight
8 a.m.: House Task Force on Washington Waters
10 a.m.: Senate Energy Environment & Telecommunications
1:30 p.m.: Senate Ways & Means joint hearing with Senate Early Learning & K12 Education
1:30 p.m.: House Agriculture & Natural Resources
3:30 p.m.: Senate Health Care
3:30 p.m.: House Transportation

Nov. 20th
8 a.m.: Senate Law & Justice
8 a.m.: House Capital Budget
10 a.m.: Senate Commerce & Labor
10 a.m.: House Environment
1:30 p.m.: House Business & Financial Services

For all the hearings that happen in the other hearing rooms — SHRs 1, 2, 3, and HHRs A, C, D, E — we will post audio files of those hearings on our website after the hearings take place. Check for committees scheduled to meet in those rooms.

The equipment replacement project is on schedule to be complete for the 2016 Legislative Session beginning Jan. 11th.