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Division 1 Court of Appeals

State of Washington v. Brett Harold Grimnes. Following an altercation at a gas station, Brett Grimnes was charged with and convicted of robbery in the first degree with a deadly weapon enhancement. Grimnes appeals, alleging (1) that jail staff violated his constitutional rights by reading his confidential legal materials; (2) his rights were violated when he was kept in shackles during pretrial proceedings; (3) prosecutorial misconduct; (4) cumulative error; (5) that the court erred by imposing a mental health evaluation as a community custody condition; and (6) the VPA should be stricken. The State cross-appeals, claiming the court erred by finding Grimnes’ Montana conviction for aggravated assault was not factually comparable to his Washington conviction for assault in the second degree. COA # 844776. Skagit County Superior Court # 21-1-00246-29.